Heartbreaking Siena

Famous throughout the world for its works of art and beautiful landscapes, Siena has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1955 and is admired for its substantial stylistic unity of medieval street furniture, which is almost entirely intact.

Piazza del Campo and the Palio, a horse race held annually on July 2 and August 16 in honor of Our Lady of Provenzano and Our Lady of the Assumption, are the calling card of this unique and unforgettable city.

In the Piazza we find the Palazzo Pubblico, the Torre del Mangia and the Chapel.

Strolling through the streets of Siena, it is impossible not to be carried away by the typical tastes of traditional Tuscan cuisine, sipping Chianti or Brunello in the taverns in the most unusual corners of the city.

#To be seen

Piazza del Campo

Piazza del Campo is the setting for the famous Palio di Siena, which twice a year attracts spectators from all over the world. On those days the square returns to its 14th-century appearance, with the earth covering the “shell,” with period costumes, horses and riders.

Basilica di San Francesco

The Basilica of St. Francis is known for its architectural style and is linked to the arrival of the Franciscans in Siena, which occurred in 1226, after the death of St. Francis of Assisi, but the present church is the result of a later design, which was finished in 1475 and became a magnificent example of Gothic art.

Gallerie d’Arte

Siena is an art city by nature and boasts of numerous galleries, including: Beaux Art (contemporary art gallery); Galleria Novecento (focusing on the avant-garde and Sienese art); PH Neutro (specializing in fine art photography); and Galleria d’arte Palazzo del Capitano (admiring famous Tuscan landscapes, inspired by the “Macchiaioli” movement, as well as depictions of the Palio di Siena). 


#Funfacts e curiosities

The Battle of Montaperti was fought at Montaperti, a few kilometers southeast of Siena, on September 4, 1260, between Ghibelline troops led by Siena and Guelph troops led by Florence. The victory of the Sienese and their allies marked the domination of the Ghibelline faction over Tuscany, with repercussions also on the precarious balance in the rest of Italy and Europe, effectively marking the predominant role of the Republic of Siena in the political and economic scenario of the time.

Unique experiences 

The Palio is not just a tourist event: it has been part of the cultural and social life of the city since 1633, the year in which the first Palio with horses is reliably documented to have been run. The territory of the City is divided into seventeen Contrade with boundaries established in 1729 by the Bando di Violante di Baviera, Governor of the City.

Each Contrada is like a small state, governed by a Seggio headed by a Prior. The celebration of the Palio is a must-see event to intuit the sense of being and feeling Sienese.

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Dr. Dario Patera


+39 333 788 1024

Firenze – Pisa – Lucca

For more information.